Elevating Our Expertise…

Celebrating New Certifications in Sustainable Design...

We never stop learning! We're pleased to share that the team at Arbor have been studying hard and have achieved not one but two new certifications! 

Director Matt and Part II Architectural Assistant Michelle recently completed the Passive House Designers course and are now Certified Passive House Designers

Becoming a Certified Passive House Designer involves a technical course of study, practical experience, and passing a challenging exam. This well-established training program equips architects and engineers with the knowledge and skills to design buildings that achieve exceptional energy efficiency, comfort, and environmental responsibility.

Director Elly has also been studying hard and completed the AECB Carbonlite Retrofit Foundation Course.

The AECB Carbonlite Retrofit Foundation course adds yet another layer of expertise to our team's skillset. This certification focuses on delivering low-energy, low-carbon retrofits, aligning perfectly with our sustainability goals and enabling us to apply our knowledge and skills to the highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient ret­ro­fit of existing projects

Our commitment to sustainability extends beyond new construction projects to the vital task of retrofitting existing buildings. Elly's new qualification and certificate showcase our team's dedication to transforming older structures into energy-efficient, eco-friendly spaces, in addition to creating new, sustainable buildings.

These qualifications strengthen our ability to deliver sustainable, energy-efficient solutions to our clients. The expertise in Passive House design principles and techniques will continue to elevate our projects to new heights and set a higher standard for sustainable building in our industry.

We look forward to the positive impact the Passive House Designer and Retrofit certifications will have on ongoing and future projects!


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